Constant feelings of sadness can be triggered by many factors, and can progress to a mental health illness when disregarded by individuals. This scenario can lead to depression, which is one of the common illnesses people experience worldwide. Unfortunately, not all are familiar with the causes of depression. Thus, leading to them not being able to differentiate sadness from depression.

That scenario is much more common than you might think due to the ongoing stigma regarding mental health. With that, people tend to ignore the warning signs and continue to exploit themselves to the known triggers. In this blog, we’ll discuss the major impact of understanding the contributing factors for a better management of this mental health condition. Let’s begin!

Understanding Depression

stressed out female conveying signs of depression

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, and a variety of physical and cognitive symptoms. It affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, and can have a profound impact on daily functioning and overall well-being.

It is important to note that it is not simply a passing feeling of sadness or grief. It is a persistent and pervasive emotional state that significantly disrupts a person’s ability to function. The best description is individuals can experience a lasting despair, which can last for weeks, months, or even years. This prolonged sadness can have a profound impact on an individual’s overall well-being and quality of life.

Individuals can confirm if they are suffering from this mental health condition with these physical and cognitive symptoms:

  • changes in appetite
  • sleep disturbances
  • decreased energy levels
  • difficulty in concentrating and making decisions
  • impaired memory.

However, depression is not a one-size-fits-all condition. Depression symptoms can occur differently in each individual, with a wide range of severity levels. Some people may experience mild depression, where they are able to function relatively well despite feeling down, while others may struggle with major depressive disorder or clinical depression that completely immobilizes them.

Common Causes of Depression

causes of depression - toxic work environment

The Biological Factors Behind Depression

While this medical condition has multifaceted causes, there is substantial evidence to suggest that biological factors play a significant role in its development. These factors encompass the functioning of the brain and how it interacts with the body. Let’s examine two key biological aspects below. neurotransmitters and genetic predisposition.

Lack of Neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that regulate mood, emotions, and other cognitive functions. In people with depression, there is often an imbalance or dysfunction within these neurotransmitter systems, which includes serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Alterations in the brain chemistry levels or functioning can contribute to the onset and persistence of depressive symptoms.

Genetic Influence

While neurotransmitter imbalances are a significant factor for developing this disease, it is important to note that they are not the sole possible causes of depression. Genetic predisposition also plays a role in an individual’s susceptibility to depression. Certain genes and genetic variations have been identified as potential risk factors for depression. For example, variations in the serotonin transporter gene have been associated with an increased risk of developing depression.

For an easier explanation, there is a possible chance that the individual might develop this mental condition if there is a known family history of depression.

Psychological Triggers of Depression

In addition to biological factors, one of the common causes of depression is psychological triggers. These triggers are related to an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and coping mechanisms. Understanding these triggers is crucial in order to effectively address and manage depression. Let’s explore two key psychological triggers: stress and trauma, and personality traits.

The Impact of Stress and Trauma

Chronic stress or traumatic experiences can significantly increase the risk of developing depression. Stressful events, such as the loss of a loved one, financial difficulties, or relationship problems, can overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope and lead to the onset of depressive symptoms.

Meanwhile, in the case of new mothers, it is possible to have postpartum depression due to the mental stress that occurred during pregnancy. Without a strong support system, they can have depressive episodes wherein they might harm the newborn baby and oneself.

These instances can occur as when they are faced with a high level of stress, the body releases stress hormones, such as cortisol, which can disrupt the balance of chemicals in the brain. This chemical imbalance can contribute to the development of depression.

On the other hand, experiencing trauma, such as physical or emotional abuse, can have long-lasting psychological effects that contribute to depression. Traumatic events can shatter an individual’s sense of safety and security, leaving them vulnerable to feelings of helplessness and despair. The emotional scars left by trauma can linger for years, impacting one’s ability to function and maintain healthy relationships.

For instance, childhood trauma, if not addressed by a healthcare provider can possibly trigger the individual. This past experience can hinder the patient to enjoy life as major depression outbursts can occur. In some cases, patients might develop negative thoughts like suicidal thoughts to end their suffering due to lack of processing traumas.

Personality Trait Triggers

It is important to note that personality traits alone do not determine the development of depression. They interact with other factors, such as genetics, environment, and life experiences, to influence an individual’s mental health. However, recognizing the connection between personality traits and depression can help in identifying individuals who may be at higher risk and provide targeted interventions to support their well-being.

Low Self-esteem

In cases like low self-esteem, there are various contributors to the development of this trait. For instance, physical changes such as gaining weight can be a not pleasing body transformation for some people. Thus, leading them to be pessimist, not confident, and even discontented about their body image. With those factors, mental disorders like depression will surely occur.


On the other hand, another possible contributor to severe feelings of sadness that can lead to depression is the perfectionism trait. This personal preference to do everything perfectly can be a huge hindrance towards happiness. In cases like this, the individual might suffer from numerous problems just to deem the situation as perfect for them. In short, obstacles can happen, which can lead to stressful experiences and disappointment.

Environmental Causes of Depression

Apart from internal factors like personality traits and low self-esteem, external factors in an individual’s environment can also play a significant role in the development of depression. This category can either provoke the patient’s mental health or safeguard them. Thus, showing how powerful it is when it comes to depression development. Let’s discuss some of the known environmental causes below!

Toxic Work Environment

One of the possible causes of depression is this environmental factor that involves the work environment. People exposed in a toxic work environment can have a higher probability of developing depression. Usually, the stress, pressure, and negativity prevalent in such settings can take a toll on them. Unfortunately, it is prevalent in any working industry, which is why there are many cases of depression in older adults.

Family Problem

Meanwhile, the risk of depression can also occur due to this environmental factor. Children growing in a broken family can also have a high chance of developing this mental condition. It can be one of their stressful life events as the supposedly strong foundation for their growth is compromised. It is ideal for patients to utilize talk therapy for a proper management of such situations. Thus, helping them to build a safe space to address the triggering factors to their depression.

The Complexity of Identifying Depression Triggers

consultation with mental health doctor

Identifying the specific triggers of depression can be challenging due to its complex nature. Each individual’s experience is unique, which means they can have various triggering factors that lead to the development of depression. Additionally, triggers can vary over time, making it difficult to pinpoint specific factors that contribute to the development of depressive symptoms.

In that case, proper diagnosis of depression is a must to help address this mental health disorder. Usually it will include careful assessment, collaboration, and ongoing monitoring to fully understand the triggers and contributing factors for each individual. Patients can expect these expertise from mental health professionals like psychiatrists or psychologists.

Effects of Untreated Depression

Now that you know the different causes of depression, resolving them is the way to go. However, if you still decide to disregard the known triggers, it can have a significant impact on your mental health.

For instance, it can develop into other types of mental disorders such as severe depression, persistent depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and others. Furthermore, a depressive state can impact your family relationship and other forms of relationships with people around you. In short, it doesn’t only affect you, but will also mark other people’s lives.

Meanwhile, when it comes to big changes in life, patients with depression commonly self-medicate through substance use. That involves drinking alcohol, using recreational drugs, and even smoking. These vices are their outlet to relieve the pressure of the constant sadness and other emotions that they can’t decipher.

That’s how difficult it can be if this mental condition ceases to exist. It’s best to seek help immediately for proper management of the condition. Furthermore, patients can receive tailored treatment plans suitable for their current condition.


Understanding the causes of depression is essential to provide effective support and treatment for those affected by this pervasive mental health condition. These factors all contribute to the development of depression, highlighting the need for an integrated and multidimensional approach. By delving into these triggers and contributing factors, we can further unravel the complexities of depression and aim for treatment when needed.

If you are one of those that want to achieve mental healing and live a better life outside the mental triggers, we can help you. Don’t forget to utilize our online consultation platform to communicate with psychiatrists in the Philippines. Book a consultation today!