
Vaccination is a crucial part of ensuring your baby’s health and protection against life-threatening diseases. It is a form of health treatment that can help build your baby’s immune system against certain types of infectious diseases. That’s why as a parent, it is your duty to ensure your baby is protected. Begin by knowing the baby vaccination schedule Philippines, and follow the recommended months and years of age per vaccine dose.

Whether you just gave birth or looking for the updated immunization schedule, this baby vaccination schedule Philippines guide contains the crucial information you need. From 0 to certain months of age, determine which vaccine is designated for your baby. Let’s begin!

Why Baby Vaccinations Are Important

vaccine for baby

With the help of technological advancement, the health department was able to create a way of fighting off viral and bacterial infections through vaccines. Some of the diseases are considered to be fatal due to its long-term effect that causes health complications. Since infants don’t have a strong immune system yet, they are vulnerable to such diseases. In that case, getting children vaccinated is the key to avoid complications, and help build a strong stamina against those diseases.

Some of the serious illnesses involves the following:

  • measles
  • polio
  • tuberculosis
  • hepatitis b virus
  • pneumonia
  • meningitis
  • flu
  • pertussis or whooping cough
  • mumps
  • rubella
  • chicken pox
  • encephalitis

These are just a few of the long-term and fatal conditions that your baby can possibly have if they are not protected. That’s why it is ideal to have a fully immunized child to ensure overall protection as early as possible.

Baby Vaccination Chart Philippines

The DOH follows a comprehensive immunization schedule recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Philippine Pediatric Society. Below is the baby vaccination schedule guideline and the complete list of vaccines for babies Philippines:

At BirthBCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin)Prevents tuberculosis
At BirthHepatitis B Vaccine (1st dose)Prevents hepatitis B virus infection
6 WeeksPentavalent Vaccine (DTP-HepB-Hib) 1st doseProtects against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae type B
6 WeeksOral Polio Vaccine (OPV) 1st dosePrevents poliovirus infection
6 WeeksPneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) 1st doseProtects against pneumonia and meningitis
10 WeeksPentavalent Vaccine 2nd doseBooster dose for DTP-HepB-Hib
10 WeeksOPV 2nd doseBooster for poliovirus
14 WeeksPentavalent Vaccine 3rd doseFinal booster dose for DTP-HepB-Hib
14 WeeksOPV 3rd doseFinal booster for polio
14 WeeksPCV 2nd doseBooster for pneumonia and meningitis
6 MonthsInfluenza Vaccine (1st dose)Protects against seasonal flu
7 MonthsInfluenza Vaccine (2nd dose)Booster for flu protection
9 MonthsMeasles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) 1st doseProtects against measles, mumps, and rubella
12 MonthsPCV 3rd doseFinal dose for pneumonia prevention
12 MonthsJapanese Encephalitis (JE) VaccinePrevents Japanese encephalitis
12-15 MonthsMMR 2nd doseBooster for measles, mumps, and rubella
18 MonthsDTP boosterAdditional protection against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis
4-6 YearsMMR 3rd doseFinal booster for MMR
4-6 YearsDTP & OPV BoosterFinal booster for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and polio

Where to Get Your Baby Vaccinated in the Philippines

As mentioned, it is vital for your baby to get vaccinated, right from birth until they reach a certain age. If you are looking for locations to visit for the scheduled vaccine for your baby, feel free to check out the following places!

baby getting vaccine

Government Health Centers (Free Vaccines)

The Department of Health is following the program supported by the WHO and UNICEF to offer access to children vaccines. This program is called the Expanded Program for Immunization (EPI) or National Immunization program. Its goal is to lessen the rising number of death cases due to severe illnesses, and the possible main culprit is the patient’s poor immunity.

With this program, patients who seek vaccine can get them for free in certain locations:

  • barangay health centers
  • public hospitals

Private Hospitals

Aside from government affiliated clinics, parents can also visit private hospitals for their baby’s vaccine schedule, but at a cost. Major hospitals like St. Luke’s Medical Center, Makati Medical Center, The Medical City, and Philippine Children’s Medical Center provide complete vaccination services.

Local Pediatric Clinics

For those who prefer private clinics near your area, you may find some local pediatric clinics that offer pediatric services like vaccines for children. Most of them are doctors who don’t work in a hospital, but are licensed specialists. If you wish to find such a type of doctor near you, you might want to try locating doctors using NowServing.

You can also book an appointment via NowServing once you find a trusted pediatrician near you.

Healthcare Platform – NowServing

For added convenience, you can book a vaccination appointment online through the NowServing app to ensure hassle-free scheduling with a licensed pediatrician. NowServing is a healthcare app in the Philippines that allows you to connect with licensed doctors in an instant. Whether it is an online consultation or a face-to-face consultation, you can book a session here.

How much is the Baby Vaccine in the Philippines?

There are different vaccine price rates in the Philippines, which will depend on the location you chose for the scheduled immunization. At the same time, the kind of vaccine also influences the cost. Given those factors, here are the possible price ranges for the children’s vaccine.

  • Public Health Centers: Free (Government-funded vaccinations)
  • Private Clinics/Hospitals:
    • Hepatitis B Vaccine Price: ₱850.00 to ₱1,600.00 per dose
    • Pentavalent Vaccine Price: PHP 2,500- PHP 4,000 per dose
    • PCV Vaccine Price: PHP 3,000 PHP 5,550 per dose
    • MMR Vaccine Price: PHP 1,350- PHP 2,000 per dose
    • Influenza Vaccine Price: PHP 800- PHP 1,450 per dose
    • TDAP Vaccine Price: PHP 2,370 per dose

Take note that some of these prices are linked with Hi-Precision, a partner private clinic of NowServing. Feel free to check out the specific cost with your doctor.

Booking A Pediatrician for Baby Vaccination Schedule Philippines

pediatrician doctor for children's vaccine

One of the fastest ways of meeting with a licensed pediatrician for your baby’s vaccine is through NowServing. Here’s a simple process you can follow:

  1. Open the NowServing website or click this link to view the list of pediatricians in the Philippines.
  2. You can also use the children’s vaccination link and select the best pediatrics specialist.
  3. Click the “Book Appointment” button beside the name of your preferred pediatrician.
  4. Fill up the form with your details and select the date to finish the booking process.
  5. Wait for the confirmation message from your doctor.

Another option is to book the children’s vaccine service on the NowServing app. Download the app and select the Children’s Vaccinations option.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if my baby misses a vaccine?

If your baby misses a vaccine dose, don’t worry as your baby can still receive the needed dose. Consult a pediatrician immediately to catch up on missed immunizations.

Are vaccines safe for babies?

Yes, as recommended by the DOH, WHO, and UNICEF, your baby should receive the vaccines to avoid contracting diseases. These vaccines are safe as they undergo rigorous testing, which makes them approved for mass usage.

Do vaccines have side effects?

Some babies may experience mild fever, redness, or swelling at the injection site, which are normal immune responses. However, if your baby showed severe symptoms that won’t go away, it’s best to seek emergency help. Your baby might be projecting allergic reactions, and can possibly lead to anaphylaxis. Seek help immediately when it happens..


Ensuring to follow the baby vaccination schedule in the Philippines to protect your baby against preventable diseases. Whether you opt for government health centers or private pediatricians, timely vaccinations will give your child a healthy start in life. For easy appointment booking, consider using NowServing for pediatric consultations.