Watching your baby grow is an exciting journey filled with many firsts—first smile, first word, first steps. But how do you know if your baby’s development is on track? Understanding baby developmental milestones can help parents track progress and identify any concerns early. This guide provides a month-by-month breakdown of what to expect, signs to watch for, and when to consult a developmental-behavioral pediatrician.

What to Expect in Baby Development

baby development - motor skills

After birth, your baby will experience everything for the first time. From the first feeding, first walk, and form their first sentence, it is your duty to guide them towards development. Your baby’s first year can consist of different developed skills. It’s best to monitor your child’s growth

Here are the important key points to monitor during the first year of life:

  • Birth Defects: A newborn can show signs of developmental disabilities as they grow in a few short months.
  • Physical Development: This aspect comprises your baby’s growth in terms of weight, height, and overall child’s health.
  • Motor Skills: Your baby improves every month in terms of their movement (e.g., grasp, walk, etc.)
  • Communication: Your baby will send signals like body language to communicate with you about their needs.
  • Hearing: At certain months of age, your baby can develop a sense of hearing, which is evident as they turn their attention to certain sounds.

It is important to be aware of the developmental milestones that your baby must achieve. A delay in growth is possible, so it is ideal for you to be present every step of the way. Thus, allowing you to notice any possible dilemma that may warrant a visit to a pediatric specialist.

Month-by-Month Baby Developmental Milestones

Before anything else, it is important to understand that every baby has their pace of development. Some babies can develop skills faster than others. In that case, as a parent, it is your job to monitor your child’s development and ensure they achieve several milestones.

Every stage of development, you’ll notice the following changes and growth in your baby.

parent holding baby - tracking baby developmental milestones

0-3 Months: Early Reflexes and Sensory Growth

  • Smiles in response to faces (social smile by 6-8 weeks)
  • Turns head towards sounds
  • Begins to lift head during tummy time
  • Grasps small objects placed in hand

When to Worry:

  • No response to loud sounds
  • No eye contact by two months
  • Stiff or floppy body movements

4-6 Months: Improved Motor Control

  • Rolls over from tummy to back
  • Reaches for toys and objects
  • Babbles and laughs
  • Shows curiosity about surroundings

When to Worry:

  • No attempts to roll over
  • No vocalizations by six months
  • No interest in engaging with caregivers

7-9 Months: Sitting and Crawling

  • Sits without support
  • Begins to crawl or scoot
  • Responds to own name
  • Shows recognition of familiar faces

When to Worry:

  • Cannot sit without help by nine months
  • No babbling or limited interaction
  • Stiff or overly floppy movements

10-12 Months: First Words and Steps

  • Stands with support, may take first steps
  • Says basic words like “mama” or “dada”
  • Uses gestures (waving, clapping)
  • Explores objects by shaking or banging

When to Worry:

  • No attempts to stand
  • No meaningful words
  • Lack of eye contact or social interaction

13-18 Months: Walking and Talking

  • Walks independently
  • Imitates simple words and actions
  • Points to objects of interest
  • Follows simple commands

When to Worry:

  • No independent walking by 18 months
  • No pointing or gestures
  • Limited interest in social interactions

19-24 Months: Increased Communication and Play

  • Says 20-50 words
  • Engages in pretend play
  • Begins to follow two-step instructions
  • Climbs and runs confidently

When to Worry:

  • Fewer than 20 words by 24 months
  • No pretend play or imaginative actions
  • Difficulty walking or unsteady gait

Why Pediatrician Consultation is A Must?

As mentioned, delay in achieving some milestones is possible. However, if certain developmental stages are not met, that can be a sign of developmental concerns. A visit to a developmental-behavioral pediatrician can help you understand your baby’s growth dilemma and take good care of their welfare.

pediatrician consultation - check up with a developmental-behavioral pediatrician

This type of pediatric doctor is known for their knowledge in evaluating and assessing children’s growth and development. They can also diagnose developmental conditions such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum, and other learning disabilities.

Read related article about possible signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder due to development delay

Finding A Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician Near Me

If developmental concerns arise, it means that an intervention of a developmental-behavioral pediatrician is needed for your baby’s overall well being. In short, you must secure the best pediatrician for your baby’s health. Here’s how!

How Can NowServing Healthcare Platform Help?

NowServing is a telehealth app that you can use for healthcare needs. You can use it for getting valid medical certificates for working clearance and travel clearance. At the same time, you can also buy medications through their NS Pharmacy. Most of all, it is best utilized for booking and consulting with a doctor.

Ways to Find and Schedule an Appointment with a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician on NowServing

  1. Selecting the best pediatrics doctor in the Philippines and booking them on the NowServing website.
  2. Searching your preferred doctor by location on NowServing (e.g., Pediatrician Manila, Pediatrician Quezon City, etc.).
  3. Finding pediatric specialists by hospitals on NowServing.
  4. Choosing immediate consultation via online consultation.
  5. Downloading the NowServing app

If certain concerns are not addressed using the online consultation option, it’s best to visit the clinic of your child’s doctor for a thorough assessment of your baby’s developmental milestones. Your baby may undergo some diagnostic tests such as developmental screening, hearing evaluation for speech delay, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I help my baby reach developmental milestones?

As their parent, you hold the key to their development milestones. By simply interacting and getting to know the cues of your baby, you can help them develop their communication skills. Furthermore, assisting them by giving them objects to hold can improve their motor skills. In terms of cognitive skills, you can use play time with a set of blocks and let your baby do what they desire. This practice teases their brain, allowing them to decide and recognize their intelligence.

There are a few more parenting tips to try, but what you need is to always monitor your child’s development. Your baby relies on you as you assist them towards their development.

Is it normal for a delay in a baby’s development?

It’s important to remember that every child develops at their own pace, and some variations are normal. However, if you notice several red flags or have concerns about your child’s development, it’s best to consult with a healthcare provider or developmental specialist for an evaluation and appropriate guidance.

Some red flags can involve the following:

  • delayed sitting, crawling, and walking
  • poor communication and not recognizing their name
  • lack of interest or being passive during play time
  • fuzziness or aggression most of the time

How much are the diagnostic tests for checking your baby’s development health on NowServing?

The cost of the child development assessment test can vary due to the different rates of the hospitals. However, the consultation fee usually starts at Php 500.00. You can also use your HMO for both consultation and other services needed to lessen big expenses. Make sure that the doctor you chose is an accredited doctor of your HMO plan.


Tracking baby developmental milestones helps parents ensure their child’s growth is on track. While every child develops at their own pace, recognizing red flags early can make a significant difference.

If you have concerns, consult a developmental-behavioral pediatrician for guidance on NowServing. Download the app today!