Private doctor consultation. Starts at ₱350.
Explore the list of available doctors and specialists, and choose one that suits your needs.
Communicate your health concern to your doctor and finalize the payment for their services.
Receive a medical evaluation from your doctor through a video consultation.
Discuss any physical or mental symptoms you're experiencing for professional insight and advice.
Understand the purpose, dosage, and side effects of prescribed or over-the-counter drugs.
Learn about lifestyle changes, vaccinations, or screenings that can help prevent illness.
Get support for managing long-term conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, or arthritis.
Request general health assessments or specific check-ups for peace of mind or ongoing monitoring.
Experience swift, convenient, and hassle-free online consultations with medical professionals.
Skip the busy phone lines and crowded clinics; get a consultation online within minutes.
Lower the risk of disease transmission, including Covid-19, by opting for an online consultation.
Simply browse our list of available doctors, select one that suits your needs, share your health concern, and proceed with the payment. You'll be ready for your video consultation in no time.
We accept various payment methods including Visa & Mastercard credit cards, debit cards, GCash, Maya and online banking. Detailed instructions will be provided during the payment process.
Yes, our doctors can provide digital prescriptions after the consultation, if necessary.
Our platform provides instant access to licensed doctors, secure & confidential consultations, and digital prescriptions, all from the comfort of your home. Whether you need a consultation now, at a later date or an in-clinic visit, you can book with your preferred doctor here.
An online consultation, or teleconsultation, is a virtual meeting with a doctor via video call. It allows you to discuss health concerns and receive medical advice without visiting a clinic or hospital.
As long as you have a stable internet connection, you can use our service from anywhere.
Our platform aims to connect you with a doctor in 15 minutes or less after your booking request.