

Philippine Academy of Physicians In School Health (PAPSHI)
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Philippine Academy of Physicians In School Health (PAPSHI)
We've found 3 Doctors/Providers you can book with!
Dr. Nina Francesca Ong

RCh, MD, DPAPSHPI - Skin Health and Aesthetic Dermatology

8 yrs experience

Online Consultation

In-Person Consultation

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S.O. Bella Aesthetic Dermatology

Today, 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM

Fee: P600.00

Dr. Kenneth Lucero

RN, MD, AHA BLS, AHA ACLS, PGCOHS, PCOM, PAPSHI, SHC, PCLM, CHA, DipHLM - Primary Care Physician: Adult and Pediatric Diseases, Lifestyle Medicine, Occupational Medicine

Online Consultation

In-Person Consultation

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Online Clinic

Today, 08:00 AM - 11:30 PM

Fee: P500.00

Dr. Allandale Nacino

RN, MD, DFM - Family Medicine, Addiction Medicine, School Health

10 yrs experience

Online Consultation

In-Person Consultation

Doctor's Directory for Philippine Academy of Physicians In School Health (PAPSHI)

Searching for legitimate, verified doctors that are part of the Philippine Academy of Physicians In School Health (PAPSHI)? Find the doctor you need and book an appointment today.